I Love You For Your Pink Cadillac

ImageImageImageImageIMG_4633IMG_4595Blouse: Forever 21 similar here||Shorts: H&M similar here||Blazer: Forever 21||Necklace: Vanessa Mooney||Belt: H&M similar here||Bra: Victoria’s Secret||Shoes: Zara {Shot by: Kaitlyn Elliott}

Memorial Day weekend was so fun, I got to go to the beach, died laughing at karaoke, and had a fabulous time at a BBQ! I think that means summer is finally here, which is the start of patios, beer gardens, and rooftops, this type of outfit is perfect for any of these summer activities! The jean shorts and sheer blouse give it a laid back vibe but the blazer and the shoes keep it smart. I always love mixing casual pieces with a more dressed up piece, it keeps things interesting, and that is what I think defines my personal style. Every person I meet says there is nothing better than summer in Chicago, so I am very much looking forward to this! I cannot wait to share with you what is going on and obviously what I will be wearing!

bisous, Mack.

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